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Data capture

Data capture records your tunnel's condition at specific locations using 360-degree imagery and sensor readings.

Our team has developed camera rigs to optimize 360 imagery quality in various tunnel conditions. We use robots, service vehicles, and drones to carry the equipment, reducing the need for surveyors on-site and increasing inspection efficiency.

Loupe360 dashboard

Our other services

Use any combination of our services to best suit your needs. Loupe360 was built to support data from a variety of sources to allow you to capture your own data. Please Enquire if you have any questions.

Why choose automated tunnel inspections?

Loupe360 uses automation to improve the data capture process

Increased repeatability

Compared to traditional survey methods that are subject to the opinion of a surveyor, our automated processes produce consistent results. Enabling reliable comparisons to be made between surveys.

Our Dashboard makes all survey data available for review at any point after the survey to ensure its accuracy.

Reduced survey costs

Adopting automated tunnel inspections will reduce survey costs due to increased efficiency and resource optimisation.

Our methods continuously capture data at an average speed of 5km/h with a small team of operators. Resulting in significant cost savings compared to deploying a larger team, for a longer period, to carry out a manual inspection.

Our work with UKPN suggests that our processes can reduce the number of personnel per survey from 6 to 2. Future advancements in our automation processes aim to further reduce this.

Mitigate health and safety risks

Automated tunnel inspections mitigate health and safety risks associated with traditional surveys, especially in hazardous environments like confined spaces.

Our capture methods enable the tunnel's condition to be recorded without the need for personnel to directly access hazardous environments.

View our versatile capture methods to understand how automated tunnel inspections can be used in varying conditions.

Capture methods

We offer a range of methods to capture the condition of your assets in varied environments

Robotic dog

Our camera payload can be attached to a remote controlled robotic dog that navigates through a tunnel to perform a survey:

  • Quick deployment time and data capture rate of 3.6km/h.
  • Great for hazardous environments, particularly confined spaces due to its low profile.
  • Potential for a hands-off survey where the robot uses the path it travelled during a previous survey to perform another.

Boston dynamic's SPOT the dog was effectively used to survey UKPN's service tunnels during our work together.

Work with us

If you have a specific use case in mind, we are keen to work together to develop a solution that works best for your assets. Get in touch using Enquiries or email us at loupe360@arup.com