Loupe360 logoLoupe360 logo

The next generation of tunnel inspections

Automated tunnel inspections powered by machine learning

Loupe360 dashboardLoupe360 dashboard

Get started with Loupe360

Access the live demo and enquiry system with your Loupe360 account

Loupe360 Demo

Try out the features of Loupe360 with our demo dashboard. Navigate through the site to better understand how your surveys will be visualised and managed. To learn more about the dashboard visit Visualisation.

The interactive demo offers a firsthand experience of Loupe360, and we are keen to hear you thoughts! Please get in touch with your questions and ideas.

The Loupe360 demoThe Loupe360 demo

Enquiry system

Get in touch using our experimental real-time enquiry system and communicate directly with the Loupe360 team to get your questions answered quickly.

Alternatively, please send us an email at loupe360@arup.com.

Loupe360's enquiry systemLoupe360's enquiry system

Our clients and partners

We value the continued support from our clients and partners


UKPN are working with the Loupe360 team to streamline the inspection process of their service tunnels with robotic dogs. For more information read this Article and view this LinkedIn post.

Metrolinx LogoMetrolinx Logo

Metrolinx have adopted Loupe360 in the construction phase of the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension to record data from the start of their assets' lives. Upon completion of construction, regular automated tunnel inspections will commence.


NRHS worked closely with us to develop the Loupe360 platform and we have performed multiple automated tunnel inspections of their tunnels.